Maarten Van Neyghem
Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer. Passionate about frontend frameworks and the future of the web as mobile app platform.
Front-end Developer
I am a very visual person and I like to create & build new web concepts & clean responsive design.
HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, Typescript, PHP
Vue, React, Nuxt.JS, Next.JS, JQuery
Back-end Developer
I love to write large & scalable back-end applications.
Node.js, Java, Kotlin, Python, SQL
Spring Boot, Express.js, Nest, Django, Flask, NGINX, Apache
Generic Developer
I am not only a web developer, I have other skills too!
C, C++, Haskell, R
Things I've Made
Native & PWA Android Apps, Microservices, Web scrapers, audio editor tools, ...
Recent Blogposts
Welcome to my brand new website!
Welcome to my brand new website!
Being a web-developer myself, about time!
4 mins